Oct 22, 2012

Course 1 Decorating Basics

You learn this technique in Course 1.  It's a pattern transfer then filled in with icing!

Upcoming Classes

Since both Course 1 classes in November are full I have the calendars for December and January.  In December there will be a Course 1 on Sundays December 2, 9, 16, 23 from 10:30 am - 12:30 pm.  Then in January there will be a Course 1 on Thursday nights January 10, 17, 24, 31 from 6:30-8:30 pm.  If you sign up for Course 1 before November 10th then it is still only $10.00.

Oct 17, 2012

Wilton Demo Saturday

On Saturday, October 20 there will be a Wilton Grand Opening Demo at Michaels.  Make sure you stop by from 12-4pm and check it out.

November Wilton Classes

November classes on Monday and Tuesday nights are full!  It's so exciting to see so many people interested in cake decorating this time of year.  It's a great way to prepare for making all of those holiday cookies and desserts.  Look forward to seeing everyone signed up in class!

Oct 11, 2012

Sample Cake with Techniques You will learn in Course 1 Decorating Basics!  Sign up before 11/10/12 for only $10!

Oct 3, 2012

Michaels is opening Sunday, October 14th.  Come by and see the Wilton Cake Decorating Classes you can sign up for starting in November!